What's New In Mobility

Stay up to date with what's new in mobility featuring perspectives from our education specialists, monthly Power Stories, and spotlights of the people who make it all happen. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the people we serve and the people who make it all possible. Keep an eye out for the most up-to-date mobility-related articles.

Power Story: Chris Kemp

Chris Kemp, Competitior | Go-Getter | Dreamer | Determined. 
Doctors predicted that Chris would never be able to communicate or perform other basic tasks, but he defied the odds and proved them wrong. Chris fell in love with the sport of competing in  marathon and triathlons and now travels all over the United States to chase his passion of racing. He even has his own line of merchandise named, "Team Chris" which he uses to fund his races.

Power Story: William Hendrickson

William Hendrickson, Veteran | Sports Director | Athlete | Family Man.
William, better known as 'Wheelchair Willie' is a well-known competitor in the National Veterans Wheelchair Games, having competed for over seventeen years and has won over 80 medals during his career at the games. Outside of competing, William volunteers for the Cloverlane Foundation and Veteran's Mobility Projects as the Sports Director. He is also a member of the Warrior Veterans Adaptive Sports Club, the United States Power Soccer Association's first all-Veteran team.

Power Story: Kam Redlawsk

Kam Redlawsk, Traveler | Artist | Advocate | Daydreamer.
Kam is a industrial designer, artist, advocate, traveler, writer, and speaker. As an artist and writer, she depicts moments from her life, primarily thoughts on living with GNE Myopathy, a very rare and degenerative muscle-wasting disorder which never stops. Kam creates art with the idea that sometimes, an image may convey a message that words alone cannot.

Power Story: Ian Mackay


Ian Mackay, Advocate | Go-Getter | Passionate | Influencial. Ian is a Guinness World Record holder and the Executive Director of the non-profit Ian's Ride, which advocates for outdoor accessibility. His most recent accomplishment in advocating for accessible outdoors is the completion of the Great American Rail Trail's easternmost section.

Power Story: Stephen Zuravel


Stephen Zuravel, Handcyclist | High-Spirited | Ambitious. Stephen is an associate at Top End and an avid handcyclist. He is most grateful for the opportunity to experience life and strongly believes in embracing life even when it is most difficult. Since beginning his disability journey, Stephen has been able to put Invacare's motto and tagline into practice.

Power Story: Kelly Hanlin

Kelly Hanlin, Explorer | Volunteer | Advocate | Motivation.
 Kelly is a lifelong Invacare Power Wheelchair user starting at the age of two and a half. Before the end of the year, Kelly will be transitioning to an Invacare Invacare® AVIVA® Storm RX™! One day in the not-too-distant future, Kelly hopes to become a resource for individuals and their families in similar situations to her own. Wherever her endeavors lead, her main goal is to make a positive difference in people’s lives like scores of others have done for her.

Invacare Receives Multiple Awards for Outstanding Product from Mobility Management Magazine


Invacare has been recognized by Mobility Management magazine in multiple product categories for outstanding product and technology development in complex rehab.

Power Story: Anthony Lue


Anthony Lue, Athlete | Speaker | Student | Model.
 Anthony uses a manual wheelchair paired with the Alber™ SMOOV® one power assist. Anthony is a student at the University of Arizona, where he is studying Rehabilitation Management and competing in their handcycling program. He is most interested in finding ways to make our world more accessible.

People Spotlight: Vuong Nguyen, Marketing & Territory Manager, Total Care

We're proud to present Vuong Nguyen as our Spotlight for July! Vuong is a Marketing & Territory Manager for Total Care, an independent provider based in Northern Texas, and has been with the company since 2008. He oversees Marketing and Sales for several locations in North Texas and would rather do nothing besides bring happiness and independence to his patients’ lives.

Invacare® TDX® SP2 User, Ian Mackay Sets A New Guinness World Record


On June 22nd, Ian Mackay set a Guinness World Record for the furthest distance traveled in 24 hours while using a Sip & Puff power wheelchair on Suavie Island, Oregon. Ian traveled 184.4 miles in only 23 ½ hours!

Power Story: Rob Mendez

Rob Mendez, Author | ESPY Winner | Coach | Inspiration. Mendez moves in a custom-made Invacare® AVIVA® Storm RX™ power wheelchair with personalized Motion Concepts Ultra Low Maxx seating equipped with Adaptive Switch Labs (ASL) technology. Coach Rob first learned football playing Madden video games, and that is just one incredible detail of his remarkable story. 

Power Stories: The WHY Behind WHAT We Do

For more than 40 years Invacare has been “Making Life’s Experiences Possible®.” We create products that help people move, breathe, rest and perform essential hygiene. Every person who uses our products has a unique story to tell, and we'd like to help share some of those experiences. Introducing POWER STORIES, our way of showcasing the amazing individuals who use our mobility products!

Motion Concepts Rovi: Innovations Created for the Active End-User

One of the most rewarding experiences within the arena of complex rehab Technology is providing independent mobility for active end-users,
especially for children who often times are some of the most active individuals that we have the pleasure of working with. Since the Rovi’s creation, its base has proven to be an outstanding choice in terms of form meeting function, especially for this active population.

People Spotlight: Chris Galietta, ATP, National Seating & Mobility


We're excited to introduce Chris Galietta as our May ATP Spotlight! Based in Chicago, Illinois, Chris is an ATP at National Seating & Mobility and has been a PinDot and Custom Seating industry leader for 34 years, carrying on his father's legacy. He is passionate about working with Neuromuscular clients and always prioritizes the end-user first.

Invacare® TDX® SP2: Ride Quality, Benefits, and a Firsthand User Experience


Fasten Your Seat Belts…It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride. We’ve all heard this common expression before. It means things are about to get a little uncomfortable. Think for a moment how you feel when you’re done with a bumpy ride. Regardless of which type of chair you choose, it’s important to consider the quality of the ride.

People Spotlight: Kristin Guess, Rehab Regional Sales Manager

Meet Kristin Guess, our Sales Representative Spotlight for March! Kristin is a Western Regional Rehab Sales Manager, located in Simi Valley, California and has been a part of Invacare for 2 years. Kristin’s daily contributions and efforts to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality of service possible are what make team members like her an asset to our family.

Invacare® AVIVA® Storm RX™ Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) Configuration

Wheel configuration has evolved over the years, starting at RWD, and adapted from there to improve ACCESS both indoors and out. RWD was configured by mounting the lower extremity supports to the front of the base, essentially extending the turning radius. Unfortunately, this made access in tight environments extremely awkward and placed someone’s feet in a position none of us would use when participating in an activity.